Thursday, June 10, 2010

It's been a while!

Logan is now 14 months old! He nods his entire head yes, very cute. Very good at shaking his head and saying "no, no!" especially when I ask if he has a "tsou tsou" (dirty diaper). He's still very into drinking milk more than eating food. I try to limit him to 4 x 7 oz bottles a day. For breakfast he likes fruit/veggie yogurt and some cereal. He tends to skip lunch and eats more for dinner. He sometimes takes a 15 min nap around 11am but I wake him up so he'll nap at 1pm with Hailey. Then they both sleep for about 3 hours on a good day. He has a bottle before bed and we read lots of "booh" (books). He can say quite a few words, "more", "nai nai", "boo(k)", "di di", "jie jie", gou gou. He's very smiley and happy. Always falling down and hitting his head because he's not afraid of running or falling off of things.

Hailey is now 27 months old! People still thinks she looks like she's three since she's so tall. She's only speaking in single words so she's starting speech therapy next Friday. She's very attached to my mom now and throws tantrums when she leaves and always asks for "po po" when she wakes up. she's not drinking as much milk anymore, but she loves soymilk. She shares a protein smoothie with me for breakfast. She's been trying to skip her naps, and some days she'll just play in her room for a couple hours instead of sleeping.

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