Thursday, February 26, 2009

Hailey turns 1 year old!

I can't believe Hailey's one already. Time sure flies! She is 31-3/4" (97th percentile) and 23 lbs. 13 oz. (85th percentile). She's wearing 2T pants. Her favorite word is "Baby" (well, and "Nai Nai" (milk in chinese) and new words include "diaper", "Mei Mei" and "Go Go" (which is doggie in chinese). She says "Ba Ba" (daddy in chinese) a lot but sadly "Ma Ma" is extremely rare. She can sign milk, eat, all done/all gone, down, and of course, point to whatever she wants. She can take 5 or so steps and can stand pretty well. She just learned to stand from a squatting position without any help.
She's definitely starting to test boundaries...e.g. We're working on "no throwing" (especially food, but she really likes to feed Mei Mei ... blame Ben for that one.) Now she will hold the food in her hand above the floor and just stare at me when I say no. Then she'll eat it or hand it back to me. But as soon as she gets another one, she'll hold it over the floor again. The other thing we're working on is "No pulling (mommy's hair)". That one's not going over so well...she usually ends up crying when I say no to that one.

Hailey took some one-year pics at Picture People today. Then she spent the rest of the day and night at Grandma and Grandpa's because Mommy and Daddy were too sick to take care of her...isn't that sad?! She was sick this week too but got over it in a couple days. We weren't so lucky! Unfortunately we had to postpone Hailey's birthday party until next weekend. Sorry, Hailey!

Hailey hugging her brother (my belly). My parents thought she was hugging a bear.

1 comment:

Brook said...

Love the pics! So cute. Happy Birthday, Hailey!