Tuesday, September 30, 2008

7 months old already???

Boy, where does the time go?! Hailey is now 7 months old! Her smile and laugh are cuter than ever. She's really good at crawling now ... in fact, she even climbed two steps today! Plus she sat in a high chair at a restaurant for the first time today and had a blast flirting with the boys at the next table and playing with an empty to-go box.

She looks much older than 7 months (as her 18-month clothing shows). She's started taking baths sitting on her own, and LOVES her foamy alphabet letter bath toys. A "cookie monster" voice always makes her smile.

She eats 4 times a day, including 2-3 meals in a high chair. She's working on using a sippy cup ... great at grabbing the handles and bringing it to her mouth but still has a hard time drinking the water that gushes out.

Hailey still loves her jumperoo ... or the "poop" maker, as I like to call it. She just spend five days with grandma and grandpa while Ben and I went to Scottsdale, and she seemed to hold up just great! Except she has a little bit of a cold now too ... runny nose, a few sneezes and some coughs, but she's still smiley!

She misses her friends in St. Louis though ... hopefully they'll come visit soon!


Maya B. said...

Yayyyyy! Hailey is back! We miss you! What are you eating these days? And when did you start crawling? Seems like a million years away for us!

Hailey & Logan said...

Sweet potatoes, peaches, asparagus, beans, peas, bananas, pears, squash, broccoli ... most veggies and fruits. Haven't quite tried meats yet. Haven't found anything she hasn't liked yet!

She started "crawling" around 6 months...I'll have to add an entry about that! It took her about a month to get good at it though.